In a ‘normal year’, USPS says 20% of consumers will move to a new residence. With the pandemic added in, experts are predicting an avalanche of consumer and business moves on the horizon. Based on a recent survey by the Census Bureau, nearly 25% of the respondents said they missed their last rent or mortgage payment or felt they probably wouldn’t make their next payment - due to the current crisis and its accompanying impact on the economy. Most likely, many in America will be on the move.
Is Your Business Ready?
Marketers targeting various consumer and business segments through Direct Mail and even Email, should strongly consider list hygiene before launching their next campaign. Specifically, CRM systems, no matter how wonderful they are, will need to be more frequently updated compared to even a few months ago. Given what we are seeing economically and demographically, updating customer contact information using the best data possible will be an immense competitive advantage, particularly over the next 12-24 months. Reaching out these moving targets will mean lost ROI if your data is out of date.
Brooks Integrated Marketing Can Help
Brooks Integrated Marketing can optimize your marketing investment by making every dollar count. BrooksIM is an integrated marketing firm that specializes in cleaning and appending customer databases, as well as developing client target markets. We provide quality data analysis, address and contact updating, along with a long track record of listening to our clients’ needs. Our consultants have decades of experience and seasoned marketing knowledge. The BrooksIM team is well suited to ensure our clients accomplish their business goals.
Here’s how:
Data Hygiene: Restart your efforts with clean and accurate consumer/customer data. If you are using a CRM system, chances are your inputs are dated and your outputs (direct mail, social media, e-mail and more) are being deflected or totally missing the mark. Our address updating services(NCOA & PCOA) and Email append/update can capture moves ASAP and keep your list in top shape.
Best Customer Profile: With the recent upheaval, chances are your ‘best customer’ may look different than they did even 6 months ago. This shift will definitely impact whom and where you want to prospect. We can help profile your best clients to stay on top of important life changes.
Improve your Customer Segmentation: Refining your customer segments with better targeting, through appending customer attributes, will improve your commercial ROI helping you send the right message.
On-Target Results
Brooks Integrated Marketing and ProspectsIM have all the resources you need to effectively, efficiently, and economically power-up your efforts to reach your new, emerging, and traditional revenue sources. Call or e-mail us today.
File: BIM Blog 07.09.20